
Our Mission
"Enabling Global Advancement of Thin Film Technologies"
Our Values
Provide excellent products and service while taking personal ownership for the quality of our work through contiunous improvement. Choosing the best people for our work and employing the best available practices.
Dedicated to the success of our customers. Succeed together by being on time, at spec and within the budgeted cost. Develop, grow and prosper to maintain competitive level and be able to serve both customers and our community in a best manner possible.
We identify, develop and deploy leading edge technology, employee development programs and process improvement tools. We recognize that innovation is linked to improvements in efficiency, productivity, and quality.
NANO-MASTER, USA was founded in 1992 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of NANO-MASTER, S.A., France, a leading metrology company in defect inspection and high speed overlay measurement. Subsequent to the closing down of NANO-MASTER S.A. in 1993, Dr. Birol Kuyel took over the ownership of NANO-MASTER, USA and it became a 100% privately owned US company. Later, the name was changed to NANO-MASTER, Inc.
NANO-MASTER started design and development of research tools in 2000 and focused on thin film applications.
NANO-MASTER products are used in Semiconductor, MEMS, Optoelectronics, Nanotechnology and Photovoltaic applications. Some of the products are PECVD Systems for deposition of SiO2, Si3N4, DLC and CNT; PA-MOCVD Systems for InGaN and AlGaN; Sputtering Systems (reactive, co-sputtering, combinatorial); Thermal and E-Beam Evaporators, Ion Beam Etching and Reactive Etching Systems; Atomic Layer Deposition Tools; Megasonic Cleaning Systems and Photoresist Stripping Equipment.
NANO-MASTER has established itself as a thin film equipment supplier around the world and sold over 150 units in 30 countries primarily to universities, research centers and leading national laboratories. NANO-MASTER employs highly skilled and educated design and manufacturing engineers, application engineers, service engineers and support personnel. NANO-MASTER's objective is to provide top quality services while maintaining the highest level of integrity.

Birol Kuyel, Ph.D. is the president and CEO of NANO-MASTER, Inc. His background expands to broad range of technologies including High Temperature Plasma Physics, Turbulence, Si3N4 Film Deposition and Characterization, X-ray Source Development, DUV Source Development, DUV Step and Scan Lithography Tool Development (SEMATECH) and the Lithography Cost of Ownership Model (SEMATECH). He has been awarded 10 patents and published numerous papers.